School of Rehabilitation Sciences:: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy / Practical Training & Field Experience

The fieldwork training is consisting of four courses. Each one of them is 3 credit hours with a total of 900 actual hours - Students are expected to finish this training by the last year (4 th year)   

Pediatric clinical

The students will be introduced to different pediatric occupational therapy settings. Fieldwork visits will introduce the students to team members involved in Pediatric Rehabilitation, materials and tools used and environmental configuration of pediatric setting

Physical clinical

In this fieldwork training, the students visit several hospitals and clinics for neurological and physical dysfunctions to apply the OT assessment and intervention methods learnt in previous courses

Psychiatric clinical

In this fieldwork training, the students visit a psychiatric, geriatric and addition clinical settings to apply the OT assessment and intervention methods learnt in previous courses.

Neurology clinical

In this fieldwork training, the students visit several hospitals and clinics for neurological and physical dysfunctions to apply the OT assessment and intervention methods learnt in previous courses.

The applied practical training is consisting of 6 courses with a total of 420 actual hours.