School of Rehabilitation Sciences:: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

Bachelor of science in Physiotherapy / Quality Assurance of the Program

No. of national accreditation of the program:​
 of national accreditation of the program:​
​Reference points:
​The learning outcomes have been developed to reflect the following points of reference:
·    Vision and mission of the University of Jordan
·    Vision and mission of the School of Rehabilitation Sciences
·    Guidelines of the Jordanian Physiotherapy Society
·    Guidelines of the Accreditation and Quality Assurance Commission of Higher Education Institutions
·    Quality assurance guidelines from the University of Jordan
·    Quality assurance guidelines from the World Confederation for Physical Therapy
Four prestigious universities have the same programme:
​·    McGill University
·    University of Birmingham
·    Drexel University
·    University of Pittsburgh


 Related image

Quality Indicators of the Program   

International accreditation of the program:​
​World Federation of Physical Therapy (WCPT)
Graduation Rate:​
​ 82.80%

Freshman Retention Rate:​
Employment Rate:​
Postgraduate Study Rate:​
A-class Students’ Rate:​
International Students’ Rate:​
Student Satisfaction Rate:​

Alumni Satisfaction Rate:​

Employer Satisfaction Rate:​

Qs International Ranking of UJ in this Subject: