The first conference for Rehabilitation Scineces 2014The first conference for Rehabilitation Scineces 2014
International World Disability Day celebration 2014International World Disability Day celebration 2014
The first conference for Jordanian Universities in Rehabilitation Sciences 2015The first conference for Jordanian Universities in Rehabilitation Sciences 2015
National medical change day 2015National medical change day 2015
National medical change day 2016National medical change day 2016
International World Disability Day celebration 2016International World Disability Day celebration 2016

Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Nather Obeidat, President of the University of Jordan. Prof. Dr. Ziad Al-Hawamdeh is pleased to invite you to attend the Scientific and Graduate Day event for the School of Rehabilitation Sciences.

Thursday 2-6-2022 at 9:00 AM in the Ahmed Al-Lawzi Auditorium (King Abdullah II School of Information Technology)

We are pleased to have you attend​​

Scientific and Graduate Day at the School of Rehabilitation SciencesScientific and Graduate Day at the School of Rehabilitation Sciences

​Under the patronage of Prof. Dr. Nather Obeidat, President of the University, the School of Rehabilitation Sciences presents the scientific day for the School and its students, which will be at ten o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, 5-29-2024, in the college auditorium, where it includes displaying posters of students' research and lectures from 12-3 pm.​

Scientific Day for the School of Rehabilitation Sciences and its StudentsScientific Day for the School of Rehabilitation Sciences and its Students