School of Rehabilitation Sciences
"By Our Will We Can Achieve The Impossible"
Department's Courses
Department of Physiotherapy
expand Course Level : Bachelor
Course TitleProgramCourse Outline
Biostatistics for Rehabilitation Student
Biostatistics 1801381.pdf    
Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy II
Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy 2 1801325.pdf    
Clinical physiotherapy II
Clinical Physiotherapy II 1801492 الطبيعي-.pdf    
Injury Prevention
Injury prevention 2022-2023 الوقاية من الاصابات.docx    
Kinesiology 1801262 الطبيعي-.pdf    
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy II 1801318الطبيعي- .pdf    
Neuromuscular Physiotherapy II
Neuromuscular Physiotherapy II 1801334 الطبيعي-.pdf    
Orthotics and Prosthetics
Pediatric physiotherapy II
Pediatric Physiotherapy 2 180446.pdf    
Physiotherapy for older adults
Physiotherapy for older adults 1801472.pdf    
Physiotherapy in sports injuries
Sports PT.pdf    
Special cases in Physiotherapy
Special Cases in Physiotherapy 1801476 الطبيعي.pdf    
Therapeutic exercise 1
Therapeutic Exercise I 1801203.pdf    
expand Course Level : Master
Course TitleProgramCourse Outline
Administration and leadership in athletic therapy
Administration and leadership in athletic therapy 18017823.pdf    
Advanced Neuromuscular Physiotherapy Practice
Advanced Neuromuscular Physiotherapy Practice 1801709 الطبيعي.pdf    
Behavioral health Not Uploded
Clinical practice II Not Uploded
Clinical practice IV
الفصل الأول 2023-2024_العلاج الطبيعي- ماجستير رياضي_التدريب الميداني 4_ 1801722 - Copy.pdf    
Current Topics in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Current Topics in Neuromusculoskeletal Physiotherapy 1801702.pdf    
Evidence-Based Practice
Evidence-Based Practice 1801701 الطبيعي.pdf    
Injury prevention
Injury Prevention 1801716 الطبيعي.pdf    
Medical imagingNot Uploded
Scientific research methodsNot Uploded
Scientific writing and inquiry
Scientific writing and inquiry 1801705 الطبيعي.pdf    
Sport-related injuries I
Sport-related injuries I1801713.pdf    
Sport-related injuries III
Sport-related injuries III 1801715.pdf