School of Rehabilitation Sciences:: The University of Jordan ::

Program Specifications

Master in (Speech-Language Pathology) Comprehensive path / Program Details

General Rules and Conditions:
specialities for addmition:
* The Frst priority : Bachelors in Hearing and Speech Sciences, Bashelors in Speech Sciences , Bachelors in Hearing Sciences.
* The second Priority: Bachelors in Medical Sciences, Bachelors in Heath Sciences, Bachelors in Rehablitation Sciences, Bachelors in Linguistcs or Language Sciences,Bachelors in Educational or Psychological Sciences, Bachelors ​ in Sciences.
Program Title:
Masters of Science in Speech-Language pathology 
Program Code:
Level of Study:
Post graduate ​
Final Qualification:
Post graduate
School of Rehabilitation Science
Hearing and Speech Sciences and Disorders
Other Department(s) involved in teaching the program:
Mode of Attendance) e.g., full time):
Full time
Duration of the Program:
4 academic semesters (2 years)
Credit hours/ contact hours:
39 credit hours (1280)
Language of Instruction:
Entrance Requirements:
Graduates in the following fields may be admitted to the program according to the following priorities : Hearing and Speech Sciences or Hearing or Speech Sciences, Medical Sciences, Allied Health Sciences or ​Rehabilitation Sciences, Education Sciences or Psychology, Linguistics or Languages Sciences branches 

Special Conditions:
      1. The applicant should pass hearing and speech clinical examination conducted by the Department
Program regulations:
General regulations:
1.         The program follows the regulations of the University of Jordan, for granting BSc degree and other regulations and bylaws concerning with students ( see link below for more details:
2. Executive guidelines for clinical training for School of Rehabilitations Sciences (see link below for more details:

No. of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of approval by the Ministry of Higher Education:
Date of Production:
2003/ 2012 last modification to the program
Date of Revision:
2003/ 2012 last modification to the program
Program Director:
Professor Yaser Natour