Upon completing the program, students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate deep knowledge of the basic human communication processes, as well as the nature of speech, language, and hearing.
2. Identify and apply the basic principles and methods of prevention, assessment and intervention for individuals with communication and hearing disorders.
3. Apply the basic clinical skills in working with individuals with communication and hearing disorders.
4. Fformulate specific and appropriate intervention plans.
5. Conduct appropriate diagnostic monitoring procedures, therapy or other actions safely and skillfully.
6. Write professional reports for patient with communication and hearing disorders.
7. Apply principles of evidence-based practice in the assessment and intervention processes.
8. Identify ongoing effectiveness of planned activity and modify it accordingly.
9. Analyze the criteria of each assessment and intervention approach and accordingly choose the best technique for each individual case.
10. Employ time management skills in dealing with case loads and in delivering intervention for individual cases.
11. Demonstrate commitment to lifelong learning, teamwork, scientific research, analysis, interpretation, has the ability to think critically and solve problems, and uses technology to monitor, manage, analyze, and transfer information to generate knowledge and employ it for future uses.
12. Demonstrate the ability to take responsibilities and exercises his/her rights and duties within the value system of society and his public/ her morals.